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Edo Period [1603-1853] Bakumatsu Period [1853-1868] Meiji Period [1868-1912] Taishō Period [1912-1926] Shōwa Period [1926-1989]

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Tokugawa jūgo dairyakki (An abridged record of the fifteen Tokugawa shōguns) A kusazōshi featuring copperplate-printed text
A kusazōshi featuring copperplate-printed text

Tokugawa jūgo dairyakki (An abridged record of the fifteen Tokugawa shōguns)


Tokugawa jūgo dairyakki ["An abridged record of the fifteen Tokugawa shōguns"]

Ishikawa, Wasuke [edited by]; [Hasegawa], Sadanobu [II] [illustrated by].

Ōsaka: Ishikawa Wasuke, Meiji 13 [1880].


A complete three-volume set of this early/mid Meiji kusazōshi picture book featuring a mix of woodblockand copperplate-printing techniques. Each volume begins with four leaves of woodblock-printed illustrations by Hasegawa Sadanobu II (1848-1886, also known as Konobu I) of Tokugawa shōguns (including one colour woodblock-printed frontispiece), followed by leaves of copperplate-printed text providing brief biographies of the historical figures. The woodblockprinted upper wrappers and original book-envelope feature the shōmenzuri burnishing technique.


Three four-hole-bound (yotsutoji) volumes, complete, on double leaves, traditional East Asian binding style (fukurotoji). Original wrappers, lightly worn, a few small bumps to extremities. A few small marks and creases to leaves. Housed in original woodblock-printed book-envelope, opened and with small losses repaired with washi backing. [4], 4; [4], 4; [4], 5 [actually 3] leaves. Each volume approximately 16.8 x 11.5 cm.

# 202303-14
Tokugawa jūgo dairyakki (An abridged record of the fifteen Tokugawa shōguns)

Price: $680.00 (USD)

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Classic Illustrated Books Modern Art and Design Books Translations of Western Texts Japanese Literature Prints and Ephemera Western Books Photo Books Paintings & Scrolls Australia & New Zealand Others


Australia New Zealand Antarctica Japan Korea China Other


Edo Period [1603-1853] Bakumatsu Period [1853-1868] Meiji Period [1868-1912] Taishō Period [1912-1926] Shōwa Period [1926-1989]

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